There’s no sketching it’s all energy
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There’s no sketching it’s all energy

There’s no sketching it’s all energy A five time championship career in body building sculpted Sandra Froher’s body; now, in addition to her work as a personal trainer she is revitalizing a lifelong passion with “her other art” few have known about. Since she was a teenager, Froher has delved into every medium and style…

Canadian Robotics Team aims for World’s
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Canadian Robotics Team aims for World’s

Canadian Robotics Team aims for World’s Meet FIX IT 3491 The First Island EXperts In Technology. Team members Guy, Alec, Helen, and Duncan recently won the Canadian Championships. They are the only team in BC and one of only two attending in theirage category who will represent Canada in St. Louis at FIRST (For Inspiration…

“Stick” to pass and go fast; it’s all strategy
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“Stick” to pass and go fast; it’s all strategy

“Stick” to pass and go fast; it’s all strategy Rarely is cycling the Velodrome at 60km without brakes the first thing that comes to mind when you think about youth sports. Yet, a growing number of young people in Victoria like John Willcox are doing just that. Inspired after a bike tour in Europe, Willcox…

At what cost? He knows and defended it for all British Columbians

At what cost? He knows and defended it for all British Columbians

At what cost? He knows and defended it for all British Columbians Farming allowed Dan Ferguson to create a living close to home, carry on a family tradition, and overall improve his quality of life. Achieving his goal of operating one of Vancouver Island’s most successful organic farms (on very marginal land and soils) in…

Humanitarian researcher seeks grassroots solutions in Uganda
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Humanitarian researcher seeks grassroots solutions in Uganda

Humanitarian researcher seeks grassroots solutions in Uganda Jill Van-Gyn Carr, pursuing a Masters in Human Security and Peacebuilding at Royal Roads, is about to set off to Acholiland, Uganda, a region recovering from twenty years of conflict. As part of her program she is conducting major research in community inclusion in the region’s developing oil…

Inclusion provides healthy place for social change

Inclusion provides healthy place for social change

Inclusion provides healthy place for social change As a teen Christina Chan’s health was in constant jeopardy. Ultimately her tenacity and empathy got her out of the situation by the skin of her teeth. Compelled by her illness (Lupus) she was set in a new direction. Christina completed her studies as a Registered Acupuncturist and…

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