Uncomplicated Rock

Guys, cars and Rock and Roll. It’s a lifestyle and it’s best kept simple when real life steps in, so that’s exactly how The Stockers are keeping it real.

They work hard and jam each week regardless of what’s happening, tour outside of Victoria as often as possible to get new juice playing for audiences who love to discover them, and they know playing live and selling merchandise makes coin. But that’s not what drives them. It’s the rich genuine passion and deep roots loving cars, bikes and music that has keeps them going.

The Stockers are well known in Victoria’s sub-underground music scene. As Band of the Month with The ZONE 91-3 FM their song Run Johnny Run will give listeners a taste. Live, The Stockers give the same show whether 40 or 400 people show up and with crazy amounts of energy. “We are simple dudes making what we want. It’s turned on, or it’s turned off.”

With five members they keep it tight and uncomplicated producing sounds fans peg high-octane rock and roll.

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