There’s no sketching it’s all energy

A five time championship career in body building sculpted Sandra Froher’s body; now, in addition to her work as a personal trainer she is revitalizing a lifelong passion with “her other art” few have known about.

Since she was a teenager, Froher has delved into every medium and style of art from contemporary to realism. Now Froher is transforming bold colours of acrylic into intuitive expression. Her paintings are juicy and full of colourful energy created by a different level of physical commitment. This rebirth with her true love has become an incredible form of finding freedom without judgement.

For Froher there is no logic. “It’s allowing myself to be the child in the mud puddle – confident and playful,” she says with shear joy. The spirit of Froher and the underlying reason to expand, is to spread the energy out. “This youthful interest in life is how you keep your spark.” It’s freeing to make a huge mess and not care and get authentic with yourself.”

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