Inclusion provides healthy place for social change

As a teen Christina Chan’s health was in constant jeopardy. Ultimately her tenacity and empathy got her out of the situation by the skin of her teeth.

Compelled by her illness (Lupus) she was set in a new direction. Christina completed her studies as a Registered Acupuncturist and electively journeyed to create change where most others were uncomfortable. Especially when she could see that all around her people within the community were excluded from holistic health care – students, seniors, families / people out of work who couldn’t afford the necessary care.

It was a realization that would change their world and hers. Creating a peaceful group setting to sit relaxed and reaching out through other community projects to bring together an eclectic mix of people for social change had a profound effect.

Chan provides a vital balance to healthy living which is nonoppressed, nondiscriminatory and affordable – something she knows personally can change the world.

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