Canadian Robotics Team aims for World’s

Meet FIX IT 3491 The First Island EXperts In Technology. Team members Guy, Alec, Helen, and Duncan recently won the Canadian Championships.

They are the only team in BC and one of only two attending in theirage category who will represent Canada in St. Louis at FIRST (For Inspiration and Recognition in Science/Technology) World Championships for Robotics. Once there, they will meet their alliance team for the first time.

They must cooperate against other paired teams to have their robots complete specific objectives, including driving and picking up balls in a timely fashion and strategic order in a 12 by 12 foam playing field. Each member of FIX IT has a passion for assembling and working with moving parts that started at a very young age.

Coach Christine has nurtured them, as well as previous teams and the FIRST LEGO League since 2006, and their mentor Dr. Parvez Kumar, worked in Europe with Aeronautics (Air Bus) and Canadian Space Agency. Check out their Indiegogo to St. Louis!

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