Art form vs. consumption, a global perspective on coffee

Art form vs. consumption, a global perspective on coffee

Art form vs. consumption, a global perspective on coffee Professional barista Logan Gray serves up a refined appreciation for coffee’s numerous characteristics. His affinity for tasting, cupping and grades of coffee grew while living in Australia. Logan’s passion for specialty coffee and coffee terroir rose from entering the arena of world competition. Mingling with the…

Local winger helps make history in women’s rugby

Local winger helps make history in women’s rugby

Local winger helps make history in women’s rugby Canadian Women’s Rugby champion Jessica Dovanne possesses the rare qualities of athletic passion and commitment to endure extreme training. Forging her competitive edge from youthful rivalry with her twin brother, she one day rose to a friend’s challenging statement, “You can’t do that (rugby).” She is now…

Spatial psychology defines living within your story

Spatial psychology defines living within your story

Spatial psychology defines living within your story Ryan Macleod came from a long line of carpenters who worked on anything and by age fifteen he had used almost every power tool.  By post-secondary school, he had a new affinity – how people tick. So, Ryan chose to study philosophy and sociology. Following his degree, much of his…

Drummer’s unbound spirit and ability strengthened by a case of mind over matter

Drummer’s unbound spirit and ability strengthened by a case of mind over matter

Drummer’s unbound spirit and ability strengthened by a case of mind over matter At twelve, drumming for Brad Tasker was as natural as breathing; all four limbs coordinated in rhythm. As he became serious about playing, Brad focused on strengthening his less dominant hand to hone his skill. Within a year after being accepted into…

Crazy ’bout a sharply styled man

Crazy ’bout a sharply styled man

Crazy ’bout a sharply styled man Traditional men’s grooming evangelist, coiffeur Matty Conrad believes that the outward reflection of a man’s self perception influences internal feelings and societal behaviour.  It’s an inspiring story of the odd-man-out in high school turned globally renowned barber with a widely acclaimed shop – a vision built out of admiration for his…

Youthful vision brightens an art form with custom sparkle

Youthful vision brightens an art form with custom sparkle

Youthful vision brightens an art form with custom sparkle As a young inspired eight year old, Trent Harris learned jewellery making under the experienced eye of his mother, jewellery designer Creole Carmichael.  With her encouragement Trent’s passion grew and he pursued studies in gem-setting at the Revere Academy and Advance CAD Design through Gemvision. Not…

A laughing matter helps others accept their true self
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A laughing matter helps others accept their true self

A laughing matter helps others accept their true self Kevin Breel, a young comedian, brings to light a rather dark and unspoken side of a huge issue among teens – depression. Personally suffering during his own high school years, he was popular and cool yet on the underside unexplainably depressed. There wasn’t a way to…

Human spirit , our resiliency, and mutual needs shine in story of hope

Human spirit , our resiliency, and mutual needs shine in story of hope

Human spirit , our resiliency, and mutual needs shine in story of hope Resulting from numerous events in Canada which impacted her family, Monique Gray Smith grew up with the silent shame of internalized racism unable to identify with her culture as a First Nations child. Thankfully Monique’s precious being shines today through characters wisely…

Silkscreen motifs create original works of West Coast fashion

Silkscreen motifs create original works of West Coast fashion

Silkscreen motifs create original works of West Coast fashion Darlingly alternative silk screen patterns adorn some of the most practical west coast fashions of designer archetype Trish Tacoma. For Trish, jumping fromretail management into the design world forced a revolutionary new look at finding a face (a store front) on a tight budget. Hence, Smoking…

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