Local winger helps make history in women’s rugby

Canadian Women’s Rugby champion Jessica Dovanne possesses the rare qualities of athletic passion and commitment to endure extreme training.

Forging her competitive edge from youthful rivalry with her twin brother, she one day rose to a friend’s challenging statement, “You can’t do that (rugby).” She is now a top player for both the Women’s 7’s and 15’s while having overcome serious knee injuries. Dovanne expresses, “When reaching your goals take the time to celebrate both the success and the opportunity to set a new one.”

Jessica and team have persevered under grueling conditioning such as Poland’s Cryotherapy (freezer) training preparing for the World’s and concentrated Combat regime during Centralized Training in Victoria (PISE and COE).

In 2013, Jessica was part of the 7’s Championships in Hong Kong and two victories over England for the tournament win at the Nations Cup – a first in Canadian history! Now, her personal goal is to attend and win the 2016 Olympics.

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