A laughing matter helps others accept their true self

Kevin Breel, a young comedian, brings to light a rather dark and unspoken side of a huge issue among teens – depression.

Personally suffering during his own high school years, he was popular and cool yet on the underside unexplainably depressed. There wasn’t a way to talk among friends then; he had a reputation to protect. However, now he is talking. He is speaking all over North America, on the TODAY show, and to tens of thousands of teens in high schools about his mission and with an entertaining comedian act making depression more relatable.

At nineteen, Kevin is doing more for the next generation than he ever thought possible thanks to a busy speaking schedule and his TED talk – which went viral with 500,000 views in one month to today with millions. Reaching out is helping us all find ways to contribute to others suffering with mental health conditions. “Your truth is your greatest asset,” implies Kevin.

“It’s best to be ourselves and not feel we must succumb to the pressures of others at any age.”

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