Crazy ’bout a sharply styled man

Traditional men’s grooming evangelist, coiffeur Matty Conrad believes that the outward reflection of a man’s self perception influences internal feelings and societal behaviour. 

It’s an inspiring story of the odd-man-out in high school turned globally renowned barber with a widely acclaimed shop – a vision built out of admiration for his grandfather’s gentlemanly demeanour. “Every night my Grandad wore a shirt and tie to dinner and pulled out the chair for my Grandma “his girlfriend,” Matty shares. “He always said when a man puts a part in his hair and a shine on his shoes he becomes his best self.”

The natural reaction to an overdue close-shave or ivy league cut speaks for itself, demonstrating confidence really is the epitome of sexy. The pride and dignity he instills in his clients while crafting the perfect pompadour is what has motivated Matty.

As a Schwarzkopf Professional Global Artist he travelled to Hamburg to design men’s hair trends spring 2014 and is nominated for a Contessa Award.

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