A new direction taking life by the handle bars

Extreme opportunities can come from extreme change; Joley Baker and Greer Stewart offer a new path for women – some amidst major life change.

Greer began motorcycle riding on a Keystone Mini in the open quiet roads of Metchosin. Today, she owns ten bikes total and created the first Annual Canadian Women’s Ride Day. Joley operates their unique women’s apparel store front. Together, their vision prioritizes safety and confidence building through rider training and quality gear.

They make it clear that human instincts for females while riding are factually very different from males. Women learn to hold their own handle bars verses taking the back seat as passenger. The presence required to ride safely allows women to connect to their inner knowing and surroundings simultaneously. Greer and Joley inspire women to be more adventurous in life and take things into their own hands.

The joy brought by riding is visually expressed in personalized painted designs on each of their bikes.

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