Lifelong friends climb the Rock face of local music scene

Cultivated from Victorian soil, lifelong friends Ki, Jevan, Brian and Greg (their soccer coach) have gone from garage band to band champions.

Their down-to-earth nature and passion for great sound is bonded by a trust that each does their part in the band with noticeably little ego involved. Under the moniker The Grass Tracks their hard work produces an original cross-blended sound of Westcoast Rock, Funk and Blues.

Their rock’n underbelly sound, which is hard to pin to any particular genre, won them first place at the “Battle of the Bands” competition. As the ZONE’s Band of the Month, their song the Joker (inspired by Jevan’s guitar and things going ‘your way’ in the positive chaos of life) will be featured and with good reason – it’s exceptional ZONE material.

The Grass Tracks are fond of Victoria’s music scene noting “the supportive band-to-band camaraderie.” Entertaining fans with regular local weekly gigs and summer festivals, they aim to finish their album while preparing to cut anticipated new tracks.

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