Fashion slave preserves richness of vintage style

Samantha Medley is extremely resourceful when it comes to investing in fashion. “The 90’s and 80’s are hot and high priced right now.

Still, the older items are far more valuable and rare,” she stated perusing the vintage fashion collection she carries at Sideshow Sam. “There’s a certain expertise needed to date vintage fashions, but as far as wearing it anything goes.” Sam has been interested in fashion, especially vintage, for some time.

Combined with her talent for altering clothing, she’s been providing freaks, geeks, and stylistas with an amazing array of the funkiest garments. She shares with people her spunky wisdom that everything old becomes new again and that new fashions are almost always a blend of past trends so they can combine it with their existing wardrobes.

Samantha contributes time and sponsorship to the local community Vintage Fairs with the belief that for recycling, cost of producing new clothing, and environmental reasons vintage makes sense and offers people endless options!

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