Heartfelt waiter inspires extreme makeovers for non-profits

It started with a crazy idea and a friend with MS who needed help. Seven weeks later Paul Latour had inspired a few friends, 75 volunteers, and 27 businesses to complete a $25K reno in a single day. 

And just like that, his vision Hero Work was born. It’s a program that organizes super-fast radical renovations for worthy non-profits. The next year, with virtually no budget, Paul organized a weekend renovation worth $100K that saved the Casa Maria Emergency Housing Society. Up next is a radical renovation three times the size – the Mustard Seed.

Working nights as a waiter, Paul walked a creative journey through art, writing, editing, marketing, and video production, all coalescing into his unexpected ability to inspire these events. Paul’s power to inspire “stems from a daily practice of fostering belief,” he stated. “The belief that much more is possible than we think if only we follow our hearts using massive action, good energy, and authentic connection.

The last bit is to show up for what’s unfolding!”

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