Creative cyclist’s passion changes the cycling community of Greater Victoria

Painting for the sake of painting simply wouldn’t be inspiring enough for cyclist Ryan Harris, who grew up with his mothers’ artistic and inspirational support.

A few winters away from Canada working in Tucson Arizona at a bike recycling program, changed everything for Ryan and his creative edge. On his return to Canada, unplanned circumstances landed him in Victoria where he discovered the city was void of a bike recycling program and with few friends founded Recyclistas on the Galloping Goose Trail.

As a hobby, Ryan wisely builds original art installations from unusable parts and pieces. He also loves Tucson’s concept of using bike parts for bike racks like community art on city streets; an idea he is interested in starting for Victoria along with bike art auctions.

As this feature was written, Ryan informed Vic42 that BC Transit purchased the property his company sits on and he awaits the future of Recyclistas.

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