Thrilling audiences ballet director imparts his life’s work to company dancers

In university, Paul Destrooper picked up sports quickly and proficiently. However, after trying ballet on a whim he felt physically challenged.

Determined to perfect his form, Paul trained ten hours a day for three years to successfully graduate from the Royal Winnipeg Ballet; then joining the company professionally. The art form afforded him an international dance career spanning two decades.

Today, as Artistic Director of Ballet Victoria his unique choreographic perspective focuses on instructing dancers how to make physical effort look easy and seamless. Rehearsing pas de deux, for example, dancers work to enhance their technique to illuminate their partner so audiences may fully embrace the emotion of the choreography.

Paul’s talents evolve through observation and work with international principal dancers and choreographers. Paul seeks opportunities to bring more professionals to the company and hopes that the ideal dance performance venue might one day be built in Victoria.

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