Far from normal, creating opportunities halfway around the world

The no-brainer equation for Taylor Conroy: A creative hand in business + A once in a lifetime opportunity = Building schools in third world countries.

If achieving your dreams were an art, then the world is his canvas. Abundant with several successes at a young age, passion, and drive, Taylor aligned with a simple idea to “take $3.33 a day over 3months and 33 friends to do something significant; build a school in Kenya.” At the core, the schools educate life lessons on disease prevention and finances to improve opportunities.

Together with people just like you, Taylor’s proven concept has developed 50 schools, effecting 50,000 children under a modest business model (without political or non-profit veils). There are jobs being created here too.

Taylor’s vision included a team of professionals who desired to be part of the change and implementing side projects educating Victorian youngsters on finance so they too could fund a school for third world children using common business “cents.”

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