Solo electric shredder appreciates transparency

“There would be less suspicion and drama in the world if people could just listen to what someone is actually saying
and if people spoke what they actually meant,” Jesse Roper shares,thinking of his own daily interactions.

Attempting to eliminate confusion from his world, he sings about a variety of life’s subjects (not just love) much like one of his idols, Jimi Hendrix. A.K.A The Roper Show.

Jesse first started on guitar at five years old with his parents. His rough jovial demeanour holds some of that youthful character yet works harder, with much less procrastination, at taking his musical career to the next level. With 11,000+ Facebook fans he is well on his way. “I have no idea how,” he proudly chuckles noting marketing or talking about himself is not his thing.

He combines Funk, Country and Soul for a rich solo performance that blows his audiences away!.

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