Artist’s emerging passion and bold style catapults career

Josh Miller, like many people, studied at University, found a career (in carpentry), and is a self-proclaimed “simple kind of guy”.

Until last year; fate dealt a serious accident, preventing him from working. During his recovery, his teenage impulse (un-pursued interest to attend Emily Carr) revealed painting as more than a hobby. It was totally fulfilling. Inspired by his fiancé’s appreciation of fine art, he creates with bold colour (straight from the tube, no solvents like artists of the 1930’s) and uses only a pallet knife, with aspirations to be the next D Kooning.

This passion gained serious momentum, listing him in the top 10 at the Emerging Art Gallery (Victoria) his first year. He feels by rejecting the standard art community expectations, the response to his work is growing and continues to seep through appreciating channels.

His goal: to eventually show in London.

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